Donate Now

Tax-deductible donation

Tutoring is expensive. Not everyone can afford it. In fact, most cannot. We NEED your HELP!
Donations help students receive services they need who could not otherwise afford them. Every amount is helpful and can make a difference. All donations are considered charitable and tax-deductible.
Donate today and BE A HERO IN A CHILD’S LIFE!

FREE Links we like to Share:


Good videos about dyslexia:

Donate with Check/Cash

If donating by check, please make your check payable to READING LAB & DYSLEXIA CENTER and mail to:

352 E. Riverside Dr. , Suite #A11B
St. George, UT 84790

If donating cash please do not mail it; come to our address and make your donation or call us so we can come and collect it.